Energy Transition Planning Modeling at Power Plants Using Renewable Energy in South Sumatra 2023-2040: Business as Usual (BaU) Scenario Using Low Emission Analysis Platform (LEAP) Software

ARANANDA DWI PUTRI, Nugroho Adi Sasongko, Donny Yoesgiantoro


Abstract This study aims to model the energy transition planning in power plants in South Sumatra using renewable energy from 2023 to 2040 with a Business as Usual (BaU) scenario using the Low Emission Analysis Platform (LEAP) software. This analysis uses macroeconomic assumptions, population growth, and energy demand based on the latest data from the Central Statistics Agency and PLN's Electricity Statistics. Using the LEAP model, this study projects the primary and final energy needs for major sectors such as industry, transportation, households, and others. The results indicate that without new policies, energy demand will continue to increase, driving the need to adopt renewable energy technologies to ensure sustainable energy supply. This study provides insights into the importance of effective energy policies and technological innovations to meet increasing energy needs while reducing emissions and enhancing energy security in South Sumatra.


Keywords: energy transition, renewable new energy, LEAP modeling, energy demand, South Sumatra.

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