The Status Of Innovative Education For Sustainable Development In Senior Secondary Schools

Samual Emeka Ebete, Dr. Cordelia Dike


The study examined the status of innovative education in senior secondary schools for sustainable development in Rivers State. Three research questions and three corresponding hypotheses guided the study. The descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. A sample size of 86 representing 30% was drawn from a population of 258 principals of senior secondary schools by 2019/2020 academic session. A structured 15 item instrument titled; Status of Innovative Education for Sustainable Development Questionnaire (SIESDQ) was used for data collection. The test re-test method was used to obtain the reliability of the instrument. The reliability coefficient was established at 0.84. The mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions, while z-test was used to test the hypotheses. The findings revealed that managing innovative education in secondary schools for sustainable development in Rivers State entails that principals should be innovative, creative, enterprising and also apply other innovative management strategies. It was inter alia recommended that; Rivers state government should regularly organize seminars, and workshop for principals and teachers to update their knowledge, and also ensure effective implementation of sustainable development policies. Principals should explore all sophisticated fund raising strategies for fund and also ensure that effective supervision of instruction in schools to check for teacher knowledge, of subject content, teaching method, so that students are adequately prepared for the contemporary challenges in the global community.


Innovative Education, Sustainable Development, Senior Secondary Schools, Rivers State, Principal Leadership, Educational Management, Descriptive Survey, Teacher Professional Development.

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