Innovation of Civil Administration Services The Regional for Population and Civil Registry Office of Surakarta City (The Study of Processes "Besuk Kiamat" program)

Azhalola Testiana, Kristina Setyowati, Rina Herlina Haryanti


The purpose of research to know how to drafting process of the innovation Besuk Kiamat (condolences Send a death certificate) from the Regional Population and Civil Registry Office of Surakarta City.This technique used triangulation and qualitative research method. The results of research it was discovered that 1) the process of drafting the innovation Besuk Kiamat from a drum up its own, against the background of the public who has not Tirrenus how important of a death certificate. 2) diagnose process, this service to the note of the reduction of the inhabitants of diligence to know the calculation of death and population census.3) Design phase from Besuk Kiamat program was preceded by National Institute of Public Administration with focus group discussions of who would be in the program are Carried out and how the program Tirrenus, with a pilot project in 5 (five) sub-district in 5 (five) district. 4) Delivery, Periodically how to know lack or obstacles for future consideration. 5) Display, the family grief files to sub-district office and the process had been done by the sub district office such as a death certificate, family card and id card, its status had been changes.


Innovation, Service, Population Administration, Death Certificate.

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