Quality Control Through the Implementation of HACCP in the Process of Frozen Tuna Loin Processing at PT. Lintas Laut Samudera, Bungus, West Sumatra

Yuli Fitria, Yusra ., Suparno ., Arlius ., Abdullah Munzir


In order to meet maximum export needs, PT. Lintas Laut Samudera has implemented the HACCP concept in implementing product quality requirement standards to strengthen its competitive share in export countries. The purpose of this research is to analyse the quality of frozen tuna loin products by conducting organoleptic tests, microbiological tests, and histamine chemistry, then reviewing the application of HACCP in the processing of tuna loin products produced at PT. Lintas Laut Samudera. The research was conducted from April to August 2024 at PT. Lintas Laut Samudera, Bungus, Padang City, using a quantitative descriptive research method. The test results obtained showed that this processing commodity was still within a safe range, and according to the results of the analysis of the application of HACCP in determining critical control points in the processing of fresh tuna at PT. Lintas Laut Samudera, there are 3 CCPs from all stages of the process, namely in receiving raw materials, packaging, and cold storage.


Histamine; microbiological; organoleptic; Tuna

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v46.2.6565


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