Students' Heuristics in Solving Mathematical Literacy Problems on System of Linear Equations with Two Variables Topic

Annisa Rahmawati, Agus Maman Abadi


Heuristics are general steps that guide in solving problems to find the solutions, one of which is problems in mathematical literacy problems regarding Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables (SLETV) topic. This qualitative descriptive research aims to describe students' heuristics in solving mathematical literacy questions on SLETV. Three subjects were selected through a mathematical literacy test, namely one student with high test result criteria, one student with medium test result criteria and one student with low test result criteria. The research instruments used were mathematical literacy tests, interview guides, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out in three stages, namely reducing data, presenting data, and make a conclusions. The research results showed that students with high and medium test result criteria used the same heuristics, namely `make suppositions’, ‘use a model’, ‘use an equation’, ‘simplify the problem’, ‘solve part of the problem’, and ‘restate the problem’, while students with low test result criteria did not use any heuristics in solving mathematical literacy questions because still confused about the process of creating mathematical models. Even so, students with low test result criteria can write and mention the information they know and are asked about in the questions well.


heuristics; mathematical literacy; problem solving; SLETV

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