Défis De La Gouvernance Minière Face A La Compréhension Des Opérateurs Du Cadre Juridique Cas De Madagascar



Abstract- Madagascar, although rich in mineral resources, continues to face major challenges in economic development. International development policy advocates for the harmonization of the Sustainable Development Goals and the national framework emphasizes that Madagascar is in search of development. The country's socioeconomic profile reveals marked multidimensional poverty, exacerbated by an unequal distribution of wealth from mineral resources, despite government efforts. The central issue lies in the behavior and position of operators in the face of these challenges, particularly their understanding of the legal framework. We propose a hypothesis as follows: operators (small-scale miners and the population) have the same understanding of the mining legal framework. The study aims to understand how the various operators mentioned perceive and approach this mining legal framework. The results show a diversity of levels of understanding among operators, ranging from somatic to mythical, with little access to more abstract levels of comprehension. This heterogeneity leads to unequal participation in the governance of the mining sector. Nevertheless, the methodology used, while rigorous, has limitations, including logistical difficulties and potential biases in the data. Looking ahead, advocating for the valorization of local knowledge proves necessary: first by adopting a glossary or legal lexicon for mining, then by promoting environmental education and technical training, and finally, by recognizing and integrating their knowledge into development policies.

Keywords: Development policy, Socio-economy, Mineral Resources, Mining operators, Legal framework, Equity


Development policy, Socio-economy, Mineral Resources, Mining operators, Legal framework, Equity

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v46.2.6533


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