Application of HACCP in the Processing of Frozen Gindara Fish (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum) at PT. Tridaya Eramina Bahari

Lidya Dwi x Dwi Handayani, Yempita Efendi, Yusra .


One marine fish exporting company, PT. Tridaya Eramina Bahari, describes HACCP as a system for assessing and managing food-related health risks. This investigation aims to examine how PT. Tridaya Eramina Bahari applies Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) to quality control when processing frozen gindara fish (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum). This study employs observations and interviews as part of a survey methodology. The data analysis method used is quantitative-descriptive. This research shows that at all stages of the Gindara Fish (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum) processing at PT. Tridaya Eramina Bahari, three critical control points (CCP) were established: the raw material receiving stage, the packaging and labelling, and the metal detector inspection. Based on data obtained at the time of receipt of raw materials, the samples used meet the requirements and comply with the standards set by PT. Tridaya Eramina Bahari. Packaging and labelling feasibility results were also obtained based on the packing analysis form by the company's QC staff. The metal detector inspection feasibility results were also obtained based on the analysis of the record of checking the metal detector form from the company's HACCP document


HACCP; processing; fish, frozen; Gindara

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