Littératie Interculturelle Critique A Travers La Publicité: Analyse Comparative De L'idéologie Dans Le Spot Publicitaire De Toyota Yaris Version « Allez Les Blues » Et « C'est Très Français »
Besides having function as a promotional media, advertisement also contributes to the transfer of messages and ideologies. Advertisement not only has commercial value, but also contains political, social, moral and ideological messages. In case of foreign language learning, the transfer of ideology in advertising could be expressed through critical intercultural literacy. This article aims to describe and reveal ideology in two French versions of Toyota commercials: “Les Bleues” and “C'est Très Français”. To achieve this objective, an interpretative qualitative method is applied which aims to explain and interpret the phenomena that occur in depth by applying semiotic theory to analyze, reveal and explain the meaning and myths of the commercials. The analysis results show that both commercials contain nationalism represented through the symbols of French identity that appear, such as the tricolor flag, the national anthem La Marseillaise, cheese and the kiss on the cheek. This type of advertisement could then be explored as a support for critical intercultural literacy, by comparing French ideology and cultural values with those that apply in Indonesia.
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