Modeling The Dimensional Stability Of Linen Fabrics
Elie Rijatiana RAVONISON, Barimino RAOELISON, Rijalalaina RAKOTOSAONA
This article relates the dimensional stability of fabrics made from linen. More precisely in this work we find the shrinkage’s evolution and shrinkage of linen fabrics after washing and drying. To do this, several articles made of linen are studied in order to have a better appreciation of the behavior of linen fabrics. Knowing that the reference values for the study of dimensional stability are the width defined in centimeters (cm), the initial dimension and the dimension after washing the sample in centimeters and the difference illustrated in percentage. This percentage which reflects the elongation or shrinkage of the fabric is shown by equations which represent the mathematical models of the dimensional stability of the linen fabric. During this study, two types of sample groups are considered: dyed linen fabrics and white linen fabrics. When mathematically modeling dimensional stability, the accuracy of the models are defined by the respective relative and absolute errors.
Dimensional Stability, Error, Modelization, Fabric, Linen.
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Physical testing of textiles,B P Saville, The Textile Institute, CRC Press, Boca Raton Boston New York Washington, DC, Cambridge England
Tests results registration book, lab-Rb, SOCOTA.
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