Quality Assurance Studies of Publicly Desirable Nepal Made PPC Cements via the Instrumental Characterization Methods

Anant Babu Marahatta, Puspa Kamal Dahal


The PPC cements and their ultra-fine grainy matrix are widely recognized as ideal engineering materials due to their unique cementitious features owing to dispense exceptional placing, adhering, setting, and enduring abilities. The underlying key parameters deterministic to all these distinctive potentialities are quality of the pozzolana, type of the crystallite phases & their average size distributions, and the particular identities of the chemical moieties/functional groups. The precise assessments of each of them instrumentally in variable technology manufactured yet publicly desirable ready-to-use dry PPC cements always provide the trustworthy means of granting not only their entire qualities but also unequal aptitudes for workability, compressive strength, stability of the C–S–H (I) & C–S–H (II) gluing gels, water penetration & permeability resilience, sustainability of the concrete structures, hair cracking preventions, etc. In this study, we employed XRD and FTIR spectroscopic techniques, and characterized all the founding chemical phases needful to assure the quality of the four topmost PPC cements branded across the commercial markets of Nepal. The critical spectral interpretations of the: (a) diffractograms reveal alite, belite, & silicates as predominant; portlandite, & calcite as premier; fly ash, gypsum, aragonite, & vaterite as subsidiary; and silica, arsenate, & organic traces as ultra-trace crystallite phases; and (b) IR spectrograms verify all the chemical fragments and functional groups of each of these phases such as Ca-O (fly ash); Si-O-Si (silica, α-quartz); S-O of SO42− (gypsum (CaSO4)); CO32− of CaCO3 polymorphs; As-O of AsO43- (calcium arsenates); Si-O of alite (Ca3SiO5) & belite (Ca2SiO4); SiO44- & SiO42- of silicate tetrahedra & polymerized orthosilica (Si2O7)6-; O-H & H-O-H of hydrous portlandite & crystal water of the calcite and gypsum; C-H of organic traces; and O-H of granularly adsorbed/absorbed molecular water (H2O) & H-bound OH (H---OH) segments. We strongly believe that this research article illuminates the standard measures of assessing real quality of the PPC cements and of standardizing their Nepal Standard (NS) codes.


PPC cement, Grain morphology, Health hazards, Alite/Belite/Calcite/Gypsum.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v46.2.6478


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