Trash-Talk Among Adolescent Online Game Users As A Behavioral Change In Communication
Indonesia has the highest cyberbullying rate in Southeast Asia. Microsoft's Digital Civility Index research shows that Indonesia ranks 29th out of 32 Asian countries in terms of civility and ranks last in Southeast Asia. Toxic cases including cyberbullying increased from 12% to 33%. Abusive words in the form of harassment also increased from 25% to 47%, indicating that the toxic level in the form of trash-talk among Indonesian internet users, including online game players, is very high and increasing quite rapidly.
This research focuses on changes in the communication behavior of online game players based on their trash-talk behavior while playing. The purpose of this study is to find out how the form of changes in communication behavior with trash-talk behavior carried out by teenagers.
This research refers to the Social Cognitive Theory by Albert Bandura. This theory explains the role of self-efficacy that causes behavior change in a person. The method used is interpretive qualitative using a phenomenological approach. The targeted output is a reputable international journal so that this research can be useful globally related to the trash-talk phenomenon.
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