Comparative Study of the Penetrability of Steel, Concrete, and Composite Glass Materials Against Small Caliber Ammunition Ballistics

Mohtar Suyitno, Sovian Aritonang, Ansori Ansori, Erzi Agson Gani, Gita Amperiawan, Imanuel Dindin


This research uses a literature review method that aims to compare the ballistic performance of individual weapons using small calibers, especially the 5.56 mm and 7.62 mm calibers, in terms of penetrating different types of materials. The research method included a series of firing tests using standard weapons and ammunition of the calibers under study, fired at diverse material samples, including steel, concrete, and composite glass fiber. The results showed significant differences in ballistic performance between 5.56 mm and 7.62 mm caliber weapons when penetrating these materials. The 5.56 mm caliber tends to excel at penetrating non-metallic materials such as concrete and composite glass fiber, while the 7.62 mm caliber is more effective at penetrating metallic materials such as steel. Additional analysis revealed that factors such as projectile kinetic energy, bullet deformation, and target material strength play an important role in determining the relative ballistic performance of the two weapon calibers. These findings provide valuable insights for weapon designers and military personnel to select the caliber that best suits the combat situation and target at hand.

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