The Analysis And Modelling Of Indonesia Naval Base Network Using System Dynamic And Solver Model Approach (The Conceptual Model)

Okol Sri Suharyo, Avando Bastari, Mukhlis Mukhlis, Adi Bandono


This paper analyzes and models the network of Indonesian naval bases using a system dynamics approach combined with solver model techniques. The study aims to optimize the logistics and operational efficiency of naval base networks, taking into account various factors such as geographical distribution, resource allocation, and strategic importance. This study aims to analyze the current naval base network and develop an optimized model to improve operational efficiency and resource allocation. It employs system dynamics and solver model approaches to achieve these objectives. The scope includes the analysis of naval bases within Indonesia, considering logistical, operational, and strategic factors. Limitations include data availability and the complexity of modeling large-scale networks. The Methods Data were collected from various sources, including naval base records, operational reports, and geographic information systems (GIS). The study concluded that system dynamics and solver model approaches effectively optimize naval base networks, providing significant benefits in terms of operational efficiency and resource allocation.


Network, Naval Base, System Dynamic, Solver Model

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