Endo-Parasites Of Common Coot (Fulicaatra) Collected From Wet Lands Of Punjab, Pakistan
Population review was directed to access the number of common coot (Fulicaatra) and ten years population trend at Chashma Barrage (298836458), Taunsa Barrage (4198515), Ucchali Lake (72531466), Head Qadirabad (2789785), Head Marala (3226984), Head Rasool (3261), Khabbeki Lack (1486230), Head Sulaimanki (1809180), Jhalar Lake (526206) and Head Islam (1779257).To evaluate the food preference, total weight of gut (63.983.946), total weight of gizzard (26.99 1.325), weight of food material (3.590.187), gizzard weight without food material (23.39 1.244), weight of seed (1.24 0.075), weight of other material (0.690.067) and weight of vegetation (1.650.103) were calculated. The examination among female and gave results that the complete load of stomach, absolute weight of gizzard, weight of food material, Gizzard weight without food material and weight of other material was genuinely exceptionally huge and weight of seed, weight of vegetation was measurably critical. Among
the 40 examples, 19 examples were viewed as tainted in by parasites of seven types of Gastro
-digestive parasites were distinguished and recorded.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v45.2.6439
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