Critical Geopolitics In Strengthening Security And Defense In The Strait Of Malacca To Address Increasing Cases Of Ship Piracy

Annisha Destyanna Sari, Bayu Asih Yulianto, Moh Ikhwan Syahtaria, Panji Suwarno, Kristijarso Kristijarso, Herlina Juni Risma Saragih, Pujo Widodo


Critical geopolitics in maritime security analyzes how geographic location, politics and power affect security at sea. The Malacca Strait, a strategic international shipping lane, is a key focus in the context of Geopolitics in Indonesia. It connects the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, providing an important shipping route to Asia. However, its strategic position makes it a target for armed pirates, as experienced by the Malaysian tanker Nepline Delima on June 14, 2005. These crimes emphasize the importance of interstate cooperation to address threats to maritime security, which have a significant impact on the region's economy. Therefore, a clear legal framework is needed to ensure security in the Malacca Strait. This paper explores the challenges faced in the Malacca Strait and analyzes strategies that can be implemented to enhance security and defense, including multinational cooperation and addressing the root socio-economic issues that trigger piracy, with the aim of reducing and eliminating the threat of piracy from a critical geopolitical perspective.


Critical Geopolitics, Maritime Security, Strait of Malacca, International Trade, Piracy

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