Ballistics Study of Mortar Weapon Technology

Muhammad Fajar Sutejo, Yayat Ruyat, Marsono Marsono


Internal ballistic, external ballistic, and terminal ballistic studies on mortar weapons play an important role in improving the performance and effectiveness of these weapons in modern combat. This study involves an in-depth understanding of the behavior of the projectile from the moment it is fired until it reaches the target. This review utilizes a qualitative method using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach which involves the identification, assessment and interpretation of all findings related to the topic of discussion from various relevant sources. This review aims to explore various aspects of mortar weapon ballistic performance, both internal ballistics, external ballistics and terminal ballistics as well as developments related to the latest mortar technology, such as precision guidance systems, automatic charging capabilities, use in combat vehicles, and others. The results of this study provide an understanding of the three aspects of ballistics to improve understanding of mortar weapon performance, improve accuracy, range and maximize effectiveness in various terrain conditions and combat situations that can provide tactical advantages for the troops who use them so as to make a reference for the development of mortars at this time.


Mortar; Internal Ballistics; External Ballistics; Terminal Ballistics

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