Antifungal Activity Test of Belimbing Tanah Leaf Extract (Baccaurea parviflora) Against the Growth of Candida albicans Fungus
Belimbing Tanah (Baccaurea parviflora) is one of the members of the Baccaurea genus that has been utilized by the Indonesian people as a remedy for fungal itching. This is supported by the discovery of secondary metabolite content in some members of the Baccaurea genus which has the potential as an antimicrobial. This study aims to determine the antifungal activity of Belimbing Tanah leaf extract in inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans fungus. In this study, extraction of B. parviflora leaves and determination of antifungal activity using the well diffusion method were carried out. Based on the results of antifungal activity testing, it is known that the extract of Belimbing Tanah leaves cannot inhibit the growth of C. albicans. The results showed that the extract of Belimbing Tanah leaves has no potential as an antifungal.
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