Characteristics Of Maternal Women Experienced With Preeclamsm At Kayuagung Regional General Hospital In 2022

Indri Ramadhani, Dessy Agustina, Berlian Dana


The maternal mortality rate caused by preeclampsia is getting higher and higher at the Kayuagung Regional General Hospital. This research method is descriptive and the samples used were all patients diagnosed with preeclampsia. The results of the study with age characteristics were obtained with a high risk of 42.7% and a low risk of 57.2%, while parity characteristics were obtained with a high risk category of 33.7% and a low risk category of 66.3%. For educational characteristics in the low category, the figure was 50.6% and in the high category it was 49.6%. The research conclusion is that there is still a high category of patients experiencing preeclampsia


Preeclampsia; Age; Parity; Education.

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