The Influence Of Service Quality, Comfort, Security On Bank Customer Satisfaction: Empirical Study On BCA Mobile Banking Users
Developments in Indonesia, including in banking, have a broad impact in the current era of globalization. Entering this digital era can encourage people to use banking technology, one of which is mobile banking. Banks can offer technology-based banking services such as mobile banking applications to keep up with technological developments such as mobile banking applications at BCA bank.The purpose of this study is to determine whether service quality, convenience, and security have an influence on customer satisfaction for mobile banking users at BCA bank partially or simultaneously. This study uses a questionnaire with the population being BCA bank customers who use mobile banking. the method used is multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of data processing and research analysis that has been carried out using spss 26, the results show that partially service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, convenience has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, and security has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. and the results simultaneously service quality, convenience, and security together have a positive effect on customer satisfaction.
Keywords—service quality, convenience, security, customer satisfactionKeywords
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