Inadéquation Entre La Gestion Et L’exploitation De La Biodiversité Du Domaine De Bushimaie Dans La Province Du Kasaï Central En RD Congo

Emmanuel Kabolo Kabolo, Alphonse Matand Twileng, Pelerin Kimwanga Nkeni, Onésime Mumbakuru Lusaya, Virginie Musenga Tshiey, Daddy Wangima Atila


The general objective of this article is to evaluate the management and exploitation of biodiversity in the Bushimaie domain in the Kasai Central Province in the DR Congo. The results showed that each year the Bushimaie estate continually loses its surface area following clearing by farmers. 61% of forest operators are farmers, 31% hunt, while 7% are artisanal operators. The data in table 2 and graph 2 show a slight increase in the numbers of certain animals on the one hand, and on the other hand a significant decline in the numbers of several animal species and even the disappearance of certain species. This situation is explained by the poor management of biodiversity in the Bushimaie area.


Management, biodiversity, Bushimaie domain, Kasaï Central Province and DR Congo

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