The Effect of Green Marketing on Purchase Intention Mediated by Brand Image

Saefudin Zuhdi, Gen Gen Gendalasari, Ineung Sekar Ningrum, Febry Lodwyk Rihe Riwoe, Mumuh Mulyana, Yulia Nurendah


Environmental conditions. This environmental issue, especially plastic waste, encourages individuals to be more environmentally conscious. This change in consumer attitudes can be seen by business people as an opportunity for a business approach to create environmentally friendly products. Green Marketing was then developed as an alternative strategy that provides added value to the company's business and enhances the company's Brand Image, with the hope that it will influence consumers in purchasing interest. The aims of this research are (1) to find out and analyze the influence of Green Marketing on Brand Image. (2) to find out and analyze the effect of Green Marketing on purchasing interest. (3) to find out and analyze the influence of Brand Image on Purchase Intention. (4) to find out and analyze the role of Brand Image in mediating the effect of Green Marketing on Purchase Interest in Love beauty and planet products. Researchers conducted a study of 400 people from Bogor City who met the purposive sampling technique criteria. The data collection method used is a questionnaire. The statistical analysis method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The software used in this study is AMOS and SPSS 25. The results of the research that has been carried out prove that (1) Green Marketing has a positive and significant effect on Brand Image. (2) Green Marketing has a negative and insignificant effect on Buying Interest. (3) Brand Image has a positive and significant effect on Purchase Intention. (4) Brand Image has a positive and significant effect in mediating the influence of Green Marketing on Purchase Intention.

Keywords—green marketing; brand image; purchase intention


green marketing; brand image; purchase intention;

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