Community-Based Total Sanitation Program (STBM) as an Innovation in Changing The Open Defecation Free (ODF) Behavior of The Community in Pekon Tanjung Anom Tanggamus, Lampung Province

Dewi Ayu Hidayati, Muhammad Aryanugraha, Yuni Ratnasari, Anita Damayanti


Open defecation behavior or open defecation disrupts environmental health so it will have a big impact on environmental pollution and health problems. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the STBM program with the first pillar of Stop Open Defecation in changing people's behavior not to carry out Open Defecation behavior in Pekon Tanjung Anom, Tanggamus District. This research was carried out using a qualitative approach where data collection techniques were used in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Determining informants was carried out in a purposive manner where informants were selected based on certain criteria to answer the research problem consisting of 7 informants including pekan government, sub-district head, district head, private sector, health cadres, and other community components. The results of this research show that there are several efforts made by the Pekon government together with stakeholders and other related parties to change the Open Defecation Free behavior of the community, namely by checking the condition of latrines and mapping the environmental problems that exist there, triggering strategies, socialization, and counseling as well as providing assistance. latrine construction facilities. It is hoped that this research can become a program that runs continuously in various regions to change open defecation-free behavior among the community and make the community environment clean and healthy.


STBM (Community Based Total Sanitation); ODF (Open Defection Free); Community Stakeholder

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