Media, Culture and Technology Intetaction and Their Implication

Athika Dwi Julyanti, Agus Kristian, Adisti Olivia Ananda Putri, Asyfa Davy Gymnastiar, Fauzan Azimah, Rizqi Muhammad Fadhila Lutfi, Nindi Fadhilah, Seni Ledia Pratama


Abstract - This study examines the interaction and implications between media, culture and technology using literacy studies, namely collecting data through journals, books and articles and other online media. Media, culture, and technology have a great influence in shaping modern society and are also interconnected in the era of digitalization. Digital media, categorized as a form of technology, exerts its influence on social interaction by changing the communication structure and cultural norms. The dynamic interaction between media, culture, and technology underscores their collective influence on community dynamics and personal interactions. The relationship between media, culture and technology has brought significant influence and impact in the era of digitalization and globalization
Keywords - Interaction, Influence, Digitalization.


Interaction, Influence, Digitalization.

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