Will Digital be the End of Capitalism

Marwan Soumsom, Tariq Matar


This research paper investigates the transformative effects of digital technologies on the capitalist framework, specifically analyzing the transition from tangible to intangible products and their broader economic implications.

The methodology utilizes a structured analytical matrix, in which the study explores interactions between tangible and intangible products and three pivotal market elements: Regulations, Market Dynamics, and Consumer Behaviors. This approach integrates qualitative analysis from industry reports and academic literature with quantitative data to examine the depth of digital impacts across these dimensions.

Contrary to the prevailing assumption that digital technologies may lead to the demise of capitalism, our findings suggest that these technologies are instead driving its evolution, introducing new economic practices that coexist with and enhance traditional models. This evolution is characterized by the increased integration of digital capabilities in traditional markets, altering production, consumption, and regulatory practices


Digital Transformation, Capitalism, Tangible Products, Intangible Products, Market Dynamics, Consumer Behavior, Regulatory Impact

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v44.2.6265


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