Environmental Impact of Implementing Biomass Cofiring at Power Plant

Cahya Maharani Badzlina Zataamani, Imam Supriyadi, Muliahadi Tumanggor, Tangang Qisthina Handayani Zatadini, Sri Murtiana


This research examines the environmental impacts of implementing biomass cofiring in Steam Power Plants (PLTU). With increasing energy needs due to population growth and increasing living standards, the dominant use of fossil energy has become a major contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To overcome this problem, the use of renewable energy such as biomass in the cofiring process together with coal has been identified as a potential solution. This research uses qualitative methods by analyzing literature from various scientific sources over the last ten years which focuses on the environmental impacts of implementing biomass cofiring in PLTUs. The results show that biomass cofiring can significantly reduce GHG emissions, including CO2, SO2, and NOx, although challenges such as high costs for biomass collection and transportation still exist. The proposed solution includes optimizing the biomass supply chain and supporting government policies. With the right approach, biomass cofiring can support the transition to clean and sustainable energy.


Biomass cofiring, Coal, Steam Power Plant, GHG Emissions,CO2,S02,NOx

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v44.2.6218


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