Challenges Faced by Trainers in Implementing Competence-Based Training (CBT) in Rwanda TVET Institutions: A Case of Rwanda Polytechnic.



Rwandan Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) has embraced the Competence-based Training (CBT) approach to enhance graduates' employability skills and address the nation's need for skilled workers. However, the implementation of this promising method faces challenges. A recent investigation examined the obstacles encountered by instructors in Rwanda's TVET institutions as they adopt the CBT framework. The study aimed to evaluate trainers' perceptions of CBT, explore its significance in teaching methods, and identify challenges. The research outcomes are expected to provide valuable insights to the Ministry of Education, Rwanda Polytechnic's Integrated Polytechnic Regional Colleges (IPRCs), development partners in the TVET sector, and future scholars. Utilizing qualitative methodologies like comprehensive interviews, data was meticulously gathered and analyzed. The study concluded with actionable recommendations to improve the implementation of the CBT model in Rwandan TVET institutions. This initiative aims to bridge the gap between theoretical learning and practical skill development, thereby strengthening the workforce with competent professionals capable of meeting the changing demands of the nation's economy.

Keywords: Trainer Challenges, TVET, CBT Implementation


Keywords: Trainer Challenges, TVET, CBT Implementation

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