Community-Based Flood Disaster Risk Mitigation Strategy on the Sugi River Banks Tarempa Village Siantan District
Anambas Islands Regency is an area that is far from the center of regional government and the center of state government, making it difficult to get a quick response to disaster management and assistance. One of the disasters that often occurs in this area is flooding. The Anambas Islands Regency Government has made various efforts to increase the capacity of communities affected by flood disasters, but there is still a lack of community participation so awareness of the importance of disaster mitigation knowledge is still low. The central government through BNPB is encouraging the creation of a strategy for the formation of Disaster Resilient Villages (Destana). This research was conducted to answer the question of how to formulate a strategy for community-based disaster risk reduction based on the capacity of the community on the banks of the Sugi River, Tarempa Village, Siantan District? To answer this question, researchers collected primary data and secondary data which was carried out for 3 months from July 2023 to September 2023 in the area. The data analysis procedures in this research are identification of preparedness and community-based flood disaster risk reduction efforts on the banks of the Sugi River, community perceptions of the efforts of the local government of Anambas Islands Regency in managing flood disasters, perception data analysis method using a Likert scale, preparation of risk reduction strategies Community-Based Disaster Based on Community Capacity on the Sugi River Banks. Destana was chosen as the highest alternative because Destana can be a broad enough forum for the preparation and implementation of comprehensive community-based mitigation strategies.
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