Indonesia's Sedekah Laut: Bridging National Identity and Maritime Security
Modern culture often views the Sedekah Laut tradition as irrational and at odds with religious convictions. Even so, there are still those interested in upholding the Sedekah Laut tradition, practiced in places where most of the population makes their living as fishermen. This research aims to examine the tradition of Sedekah Laut as a hereditary activity of fishing communities in various facets of Indonesian life to help strengthen national identity and maritime security by preserving local wisdom. The formulation of this research problem is how Sedekah Laut can be related to Indonesia's national identity and maritime security. This study employed a qualitative research design using an ethnography methodology. The results demonstrated that the tradition of Sedekah Laut is directly tied to Indonesian people's cultural, social, and spiritual values, which are relevant to executing the Indonesian defense concept, especially for maritime security.
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