The Role of Hardiness and Social Support on Stress of Prisoners In Class II B Tanjungbalai Prison

Maysaroh Nasution, Raras Sutatminingsih, Rodiatul Hasanah Siregar


Prisoners while serving their sentence in prison tend to experience stress caused by the demand that must have been reached. Stress that occurs continuously can affect the physical and psychological of the inmates. The aim of this study was to determine the role of hardiness and social support on stress of prisoners in class II B Tanjungbalai prison. This research used quantitative methods. The subjects in this study were 103 prisoners in class II B Tanjungbalai prison, which were selected by purposive sampling technique. The measuring instruments used are the hardiness scale, social support scale, and stress scale. The data analysis technique used is regression analysis with SPSS program. The results showed that there was a significant role between hardiness and social support on stress of prisoners in class II B Tanjungbalai prison. Hardiness and social support provide an affective contribution to stress by 12.9%. The hardiness variable gave a greater contribution to stress than the social support variable. The implications of this study are expected to be inmates can increase the hardiness in him and constantly seek social support from those closest to reduce stress on inmates while serving their sentence in prison.

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