Malay Poetry Socialization For The Nation's Moral Education

Bani Sudardi, Istadiyantha Istadiyantha


This study method seeks to understand more about the excellent moral teachings in traditional Malay poetry. This study was carried out using a moral perspective and a qualitative approach that presents and describes data objectively. The data source for this study is classical Malay poetry, which presents moral ideas that are considered to be guidance for future generations of Indonesians despite the development of time and modern living. The document approach was used to collect data in this study. The results of this study show that syair (poetry), as an old literary output, expresses high values and recommendations that have a profound connection to society. Poetry expresses the author's feelings, thoughts, or personal experiences via rhyming and rhythmic stanzas. Moral education can be instilled through the means of Malay classical poetry education. The two poems discussed in this study reflect teachings based on morality about how people must live well in order to become good individuals and how they must avoid bad behavior by imbibing and implementing moral values and teachings that are good and acceptable to society. Educators can use classical Malay poetry to socialize the values of moral education on the poems (syair) as a guiding reference for the lives of the younger generation in today's modern era


future generation; moral instruction; traditional Malay poetry; socialization

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