Vocational Educations and Training (VET) Adoption at Science Techno Park (STP) in the Field of Maritime to Promote Business Incubation and Community Empowerment in Indonesia

Jazimatul Husna, Abdul Syakur, Ima Wijayanti, Liliek Budiastuti Wiratmo


This research aims to adoption of VET in the Indonesian Science Techno Park (STP) to support business incubation and community empowerment in the maritime field. Research and development (R&D) was used in this study to improve STP exploration to more effective and efficient. This research approach uses SOAR analysis to determine STP's strategy to build its future through collaboration, understanding, and action. The approach involves the analysis of relevant documents, observations, and interviews. This research focuses on three important aspects of VET adaptation in the Science and Techno Park (STP) program, are the following: (1) education and training to produce competent personnel; (2) adaptation and transfer of technology to produce innovative products; and (3) becoming a business incubator to produce new entrepreneurs. The results show that STP has developed various VET programs adapted to the maritime sector. These programs have been successful in increasing the skills of the maritime community, helping the community build new business start-ups to increase skills in developing of various fish and seafood processing products, having quality products whose consistency is shown by the results of lab tests, and able to reach market areas with a wide range of marketing in this maritime field in indonesia.


VET, Science techno park (STP), business incubation, community empowerment, maritime, Indonesia

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v38.2.5281


Copyright (c) 2023 Jazimatul Husna, Abdul Syakur, Ima Wijayanti, Liliek Budiastuti Wiratmo

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