Development Of Worksheets Based On Contextual Approach To Increase Student’s Mathematical Problem Solving Ability

Yerizon ., Edwin Musdi, Jasmine Ardeliza


The aims of this research is to develop students worksheet (LKPD) based on Contextual Teaching and Learning which is valid, practical, and effective. LKPD contains of 7 components, namely constructivism, inquiry, questioning, learning community, modeling, reflection, and authentic assessment. The effectivity of LKPD can be seen from the result of problem solving ability. The type of this research is developmentresearchwhere the subject of  this research is students of junior high school class VIII. The instruments used were tests, questionnaires, and observation sheets. The results showed that: a) LKPD is valid with score 0,384, b) LKPD is very practical from student and teacher response, c) LKPD is effective to improve student problem solving ability with level of mastery 75,11%.


problem solving ability, Contextual Teaching and Learning, valid, practical, effective

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