Development of Worksheets based SSCSS (Search, Solve, Create And Share) to Improve Critical Thinking Skills for Class X Students in Biology Subjects

Refni Syahleli Afni, Syamsurizal Syamsurizal


Today's learning is mostly teacher-centered and makes the teacher the center of providing knowledge to students, and also the learning strategies used are not appropriate. Students think that ecology and environment material is considered to be difficult to understand and the lack of availability of teaching materials is one of the obstacles that students find difficult in learning ecology and environment materials. This research aim to produce a worksheets based search, solve, create and share learning model through research and development research using the Plomp model with 3 stages, namely the preliminary phase, development or prototyping phase, and the assessment phase. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 3 Padangsidempuan. The assessment were carried out through expert validation, validity and practicality by students and biology teachers. The research instrument used are interview sheet and a questionnaires. The results of the material expert team's assessment showed an average percentage of 88.12% (very valid), design experts 82.33 (very valid), language design experts 100% (very valid), also teacher respondents were 96.67% (very practical). Student respondents were 91.68% (very good), and the t test value (tcount = 3.175 and ttable = 2.042) so it can be concluded that the worksheets based search, solve, create and share learning model on ecosystems and environmental developed was valid, practical, and effectively used in the biology learning process. The used of the worksheets based SSSCS can improve students of learning outcomes and help them to develop their critical thinking skills.


Worksheets Development; Search Solve, Create And Share Approach; Critical Thinking Skill

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