The Effect of STEM Integrated Modules on Knowledge and Students' 21st Century Skill in Science and Physics Learning : A Meta Analysis

Naurah Nazifah, Asrizal Asrizal


Industrial revolution 4.0 students are required to have 21st century skills. These skills include critical thinking, creativity and innovation, communication, and collaboration. Teachers in the learning process teachers play a role in improving student skills. The learning method that can be used by teachers in improving students' 21st century skills is STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). STEM indicators in learning can be integrated in a learning material in the form of a module. Modules can assist teachers in presenting learning information that is easy for students to understand. This study analyzes the effect of STEM integrated modules in science and physics learning on the knowledge and skills of 21st century students determined through effect sizes. Research data obtained from 20 articles. The analysis was carried out based on the category of education level, type of learning material and physics and science subject matter. The results show that stem-based modules are more effective if applied at the high school level with electronic module learning materials. The results of the analysis show that the use of integrated STEM modules is effective in improving the knowledge and skills of 21st century students.

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