Consumer Satisfaction Analysis of Kre Alang Weaving's Marketing Mix

Fendy Maradita, Arya Zulfikar Akbar


The purpose of this research is to determine Kre Alang Weaving's marketing mix for customer satisfaction in Moyo Mekar Village, Sumbawa Regency. The study's findings show that the products produced were well received by consumers in the form of numerous Kre Alang weaving products used in people's homes. The offered price is still available to consumers who purchase the product based on its color, size, and motif. Kre Alang Weaving's retail location remains at the production site in Moyo Mekar village, and resellers are sales agents who take orders for products for resale. So far, promotions have taken the form of offering Kre Alang Weaving handicrafts based on orders from consumers who have not used social media or newspaper advertisements. Customer satisfaction with the offered products is currently high in terms of price, quality, and sales.


Product, Price, Location, Promotion, Consumer Satisfaction

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