Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Infections: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Maged Naser, Mohamed M. Naser, Lamia H. Shehata


Neonatal herpes simplex infection (HSV) is a ruinous disease in infants, related with broad morbidity and mortality. The utilization of PCR for HSV identification of infected new born and acyclovir for treatment has considerably further developed Acyclovir anticipation for affected new borns. The resulting utilization of suppressive therapy with oral acyclovir following completion of parenteral treatment of acute disease has also worked on the long term prognosis for these new borns.

This review will discuss the study of disease transmission, risk factors and routes of acquisition, clinical presentation, and assessment of neonates thought to have the infection, and treatment of proven neonatal HSV disease.


Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV); Neonate; Pregnancy; Acyclovir.

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