Melayu Deli as the Identity of Medan City

Rafiqi Rafiqi, Marsella Marsella


Changes in the society spread rapidly to all parts of the world, due to a modern communication. The city can be recognized through its own landmarks, such as historical buildings, cultures, and native people including heroes’ names shown in city streets. Currently, the people of Melayu Deli who live in Medan City realize that they have a triumphant past that can be seen from their various historical relics as evidence. Based on the title, the people of Melayu Deli have several titles, namely Tengku, Wan, Datuk, Adja, and Orang Kaya (OK). This study analyzes the current usage of Melayu Deli titles by applying a normative empirical analysis. The results show that the Tengku title was only given to people from the descendants of the Sultan (King). In ancient times, a Sultan had his own power and autonomous region and was called by Tuanku. Tengku (Tuanku) is originally meant leader/teacher in terms of morals, religion, and customs.   It can be concluded that although Sultan provided  the title to those people, there is not any regulation on it. As a recommendation, the people of Melayu Deli should have a regulation concerning the Melayu Deli titles granting to people in Medan City


Identity of Medan City, Title Melayu Deli

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Interview with Raja Muda, Pemangku Adat Melayu, on May 2, 2019 melayu_dari_sultan_deli_html, diakses tanggal 2 Mei 2019



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