Calcination Of Cao Compounds From Cow Bone Waste And Tuna Fish Bones

Nya Daniaty Malau, Faradiba Faradiba, Hana Chaterina Dorkas Bintang, Nurliana Vita


Catalysts are needed in a chemical reaction. With the catalyst it will accelerate the rate of chemical reactions that occur. This will save time and cost compared to chemical reactances without catalysts. Catalysts are classified into two types: homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts. CaO is a compound that is classified as a heterogeneous catalyst. CaO is a heterogeneous catalyst that has many advantages, namely reusable, safe waste disposal, raw materials that are easily obtained at a low cost and abundant innature.  Tuna bones and cow bones have the potential as the basic ingredients of CaO compound synthesis. This is because the calcium content of tuna and cow bones is quite large. Its availability in nature is also very abundant. CaCO3 content in tuna bones and cow bones is very potential to be used as a source of basic ingredients in the manufacture of CaO catalyst compounds. There are three stages in the CaO synthesis of tuna bones and cow bones. The first stage is the preparation of tuna bones and cow bones. The second stage is the calcination of tuna bones and cow bones with variations in time. The third stage is the analysis of CaO that has been produced in the previousstage. Compounds formed by calcination for 6 hours and 10 hours in tuna bones and cow bones are CaO compounds. This can be observed in the change in the color of the sample before calcination and after calcination which was originally brownish gray,  turning  white. If observed further then calcination is best in Cow Bone and Tuna Fish Bone is calcination with a temperature of 1000o Cfor 10 hours,  compared to 6-hour calcination compound  this is because cao calcination compound 10 hours more stable marked by a sample color that is clean white. So it can be concluded that calcination at a temperature of 1000 oC with a length of 6 hours and 10 hours produces CaO crystals.


CaO; Cow Bone; Tuna Bone; Calcination

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