Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in Reflective Cognitive Style toward Problems Solving

Nurul Muflikhah Bariroh, Triyanto Triyanto


Critical thinking is the ability and tendency to make and evaluate conclusions based on evidences. Cognitive style is a student’s way to distinguish, understand, remember, use, and apply certain information. Reflective cognitive style has a characteristic of slow and precise in solving problems. This research has objective of describing critical thinking ability of students whose reflective cognitive style on two-variable linear equation system. This research is qualitative research. The research was conducted at Junior High School State 2 Kudus on second graders. The research’s subjects were three students, consisting of S1, S2, and S3. The findings of the research showed different result on the critical thinking abilities toward students whose reflective cognitive style on SPLDV (Two Variables Linear Equation System) material. It can be seen that S1 is able to interpret the problems given, develop an alternative problem solving, and able to evaluate well. Meanwhile S2 is able to interpret the problems given, develop an alternative problem solving, evaluate, and draw conclusions. Moreover, S3 is able to interpret problems given, develop an alternative problem solving, evaluate, and draw conclusions. Based on the level of critical thinking ability, S1 is categorized in the LCTA-2 or critical category, while both of S2 and S3 are categorized in LCTA-3 or very critical category.


Critical Thinking, Cognitive Style, SPLDV (Two Variables Linear Equation System).

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