The Effect of The Role of Health Workers and Self-Efficacy with the Use of Intrauterine Contraception (IUD) in Women of Childbearing Age Coples

Ayu Salvina, Oktavia Dewi, Nurlisis Nurlisis, Hetty Ismaniar, Yesica Devis


The public health centre is the health facility with the lowest coverage of active family planning participants at 16.7%. Based on a preliminary survey conducted at the Garuda Health Center regarding the implementation of family planning, it is known that the number of couples of childbearing age (PUS) recorded at the Garuda health centre is 13,500 people. However, the number of couples of childbearing age who use family planning is 9260 and using the IUD as many as 213 people (2.3%). . This study aims to determine the factors associated with the use of intrauterine devices (IUD) in women of childbearing age in the Garuda Pekanbaru City Health Center Work Area in 2021. This type of research is quantitative analytic observational with a case-control design. The sampling technique was systematic random sampling with 148 cases and 148 controls. Analysis using chi-square and logistic regression test. The bivariate analysis results showed that knowledge, education, self-efficacy, in-come, husband's support, work history, and the role of health workers affected the use of the IUD. Meanwhile, parity did not affect IUD use. The most dominant variable that has a significant influence on the use of IUD contraception is the role of health workers with p (sig) 0.000 and has an OR value of 3.724. This study concluded that the role of health workers was 3.7 times riskier and self-efficacy was 1.7 times riskier not using the IUD. It is recommended that health workers at the Garuda Health Center will be more active in providing health information in order to improve IEC for married couples who want to use family planning, especially IUDs, to Private Practice Midwives and public health cadres to provide counselling or counselling related to IUD contraception their husbands to participate in the socialization so that husbands can support their wives to use family planning, especially the IUD.


component; Birth Control, Family Planing, Health workers, IUD, Public Health Centre, Self Efficacy

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