The Influence of Parenting Style and Locus of Control on Bullying Behavior of Adolescents

Katherina ., Elvi Andriani Yusuf


Bullying is an aggressive behavior that is often found among students, especially teenagers. One of the factors that affect bullying is parenting style. The other factors that contribute to bullying behavior is locus of control. Subjects in this study were 203 students in one of the private junior high schools in Medan. The data in this study were analyzed by using two ways analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results of this study indicated that there was a significant influence of parenting style on bullying behavior especially authoritative and univolved parenting style. But there was no significant influence of locus of control on bullying behavior. There was also no significant influence of parenting style and locus of control to bullying behavior among adolescents. The implication of this research for families, especially parents, can use authoritative parenting style to prevent children from engaging in bullying behavior.


bullying, parenting style, locus of control, adolescents

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