Valorisation Of Certain Unconventional Foods With A View To Animal Nutrition

O.R Rakotomanana, T.D Razafinarivo, S Rapatsalahy, L.M Michelle, A Rasoanomenjanahary, L. S Rafarasoa


Many farmers face an animal feed shortage. The use of unconventional nutrient-rich resources is necessary. Can Azolla, Musa, Sesamum indicum and Procambarus sp fill this gap?

The weight change of the piglets fed Azolla is carried out. The effect of the Musa on the milk production of the cows is carried out. Traditionally, Sesamum meal, an oilseed plant, is obtained by grinding, cooking and pressing the seeds and is supposed to feed the animals. The study of Procambarus consists of the different drying processes: dryer, oven and in the sun.

Azolla, Musa: trunks and leaves, raw, roasted seeds and Sesamum cake and whole body, flesh and shells of Procambarus are analyzed. All samples are high in protein, Azolla 14% DM. Musa’s sheet (9.5% DM) is higher than the trunk (2.8% DM). For the meal (18% DM) of Sesamum is distinguished from that of the raw and roasted seeds (10% DM each). For the different drying processes of Procambarus, the content varies between 36.3% and 38.3% DM.

Pigs fed or not with Azolla show a weight change of which those fed with Azolla have a high growth: Weight gain: 17.8kg against 15.0 kg. The supplement of Musa increases from 1 to 1.8 liters the milk production. Among the drying techniques, Procambarus dried in the sun (MS: 77%) is the most effective. Its by-products may be considered as animal feed. All these raw materials can well solve the animal food shortage.


Food, Non-Conventional, Lack, Nutritional And Animal Value.

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