Development of Local Microorganism from Organic Waste as an Alternative Product for EM4

Fuji Astuti Febria, Siski Rahayu


Research of Development Local Microorganism from Organic Waste by Adding Banana Peels as an Alternative Product for EM4 was conducted in the Laboratory Riset of Microbiology, Biology Department, Andalas University from February 2019 until July 2019. This study aims to find microbial groups and to determine the total amount of microbes in Local Microorganisms and to determine the quality of compost that produced by Local Microorganisms and EM4 as a control. This research design by survey method to sampling and experimental method to produced Local Microorganisms. The inoculation of bacteria colony was using Potato Dextro Agar (PDA) whereas inoculation of yeast colony using Malt Extract Agar (MEA). The result of this research showed that bacterial colonies on M4 2.8x 104 cfu/mL, fungi colonies 3.5 x 103 cfu/mL and yeast colonies 1.7 x 104 cfu/mL. The quality of compost produced has different color and texture however has the same in the aroma parameter.


Bacteri, compost, fungi, local microorgasim, yeast.

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