Gay Self-Disclosure at Work

Grace Heidy Jane Amanda Wattimena


As marginalized minority, some gays can find friends in community or at work. In his community, a gay person will certainly have no difficulty in establishing communication with each other. However, this is not the case in the workplace, where a gay person is faced with the challenge of self-disclosure to his co-workers. Based on this phenomenon, this research wants to understand the self-disclosure of a gay person regarding his sexual orientation to his heterosexual male friends at work. Using qualitative approach and phenomenological methods, the primary data was obtained through in-depth interview and observation, while secondary data in this research was obtained through literature study. Results of the study show that self-disclosure between gay men and their heterosexual male friend has not been fully achieved. Self-disclosure that occurs limited to the scope of work, because the tendency of communication that exists is more dominant in in-group communication with other co-workers.

Keywords—Interpersonal communication, self-disclosure, homosexual, gay

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