The Effect Of Discovery Learning Model On The Student Learning Competence With Different Initial Abilities At Grade VIII MTsN 2 Padang City

Wiwit Astuti, Dwi Hilda Putri


This study aims to determine the effect of discovery learning and initial abilities on the student learning competence at grade VIII. This is a quasi-experimental research with a 2 X 2 factorial design. The population of this research was all students of grade VIII MTSN 2 Padang in the 2020/2021 school year. The sample was chosen by using the purposive sampling technique which the class was selected randomly. The results of the study indicated that (1) the Discovery Learning model had an effect on learning competence in the there am of students’ knowledge, both for students with high initial abilities and students with low initial abilities. (2) There was no interaction between the Discovery Learning model and the students' initial abilities in affecting the learning competence in the realm of knowledge. (3) The Discovery Learning model affected the learning competence in the realm of students’ attitude, both for students with high initial abilities and students with low initial abilities. (4) The Discovery Learning model had an effect on learning competence in the


Discovery Learning, Initial Ability, Learning Competence

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