Government Strategies In The Covid-19 Vaccination Program (A Study On The Health Policy Model For Covid-19 Vaccination In Palu)
One of the government programs, to end the spread of the COVID-19 virus, is issuing the policy of COVID-19 vaccination to all Indonesian people for free. The program raises pros and cons, especially regarding the delivery of the COVID-19 vaccination. Not only a matter of mechanism, but the problem of the vaccine used is also still being questioned by many parties. The purpose of this study is to describe the policy model applied for the COVID-19 vaccination program in Palu and to analyze the government’s communication model in providing understanding to the public regarding COVID-19 vaccination in Palu, Central Sulawesi Province. In this study, the researchers applied a qualitative method. Data were collected using observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Furthermore, the obtained data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman’s model, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and verification. Interviews were conducted on the members of the COVID-19 Task Force and the recipients of the COVID-19 vaccines. Results indicated that the applied policy model for the COVID-19 vaccination is a centralized institutional policy model. The regulation and procurement of vaccinations are taken over directly by the central government, while the roles of the government of Palu are only limited to carrying out vaccination campaigns and providing vaccinations to those who must be vaccinated. There are 7 policies issued by the government of Palu regarding vaccination, namely vaccine rangers, vaccine ambassadors, vaccine festivals, providing vaccination centers & posts, adding the number of vaccinators, collaborating with community leaders, and conducting vaccination to pregnant women. The communication model applied by the government of Palu in accelerating vaccination is Lasswell’s model of communication. This model has many shortcomings because communication is only one way. The success of vaccination communication needs to involve all elements or communities to aggressively carry out campaigns concerning the importance of vaccination.
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