The Influence of the Societal Context on e-Business Diffusion in the Small-to-Medium Enterprises Sector in Zimbabwe

Catherine Mazwi Roseline Tsikirayi


This research is an extraction from the researcher’s PhD thesis investigating the influence of societal context on e-business diffusion in the small-to-medium enterprises (SME) sector in Zimbabwe. The study was considered important in facilitating e-business diffusion in the Zimbabwean SMEs which are lagging behind in the uptake of this business model, given its pole position in global business transactions. The societal context is constituted by societal factors that relate to the cultural norms and beliefs that define the national identity of a country. The study focussed on the owners and managers of the sampled firms as the key personnel responsible for strategic decisions in their respective organisations. A survey design was engaged, using survey monkey online data collection platform to reach out to the Harare Metropolitan SMEs registered with the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA). ZIMRA-registered SMEs were selected because, by virtue of registration with the national tax authority, they were deemed to be more formally managed and appropriate for the current study. The study found that the societal context influences diffusion, although only one, out of the three dimensions investigated, registered a significant impact. The researcher recommended that SME owners and managers need to develop technology-oriented internal systems and employee up-skilling training programmes. This will enable them to adopt e-business as the operational business model to ensure survival during, and in the aftermath of, the COVID-19 era which has made e-business diffusion more critical than ever before. Government financial support is vital in making this a reality.


societal context, cultural norms, cultural dimensions, survey monkey, Zimbabwe Revenue Authority

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