Flipped Classroom Learning System Based on Guided Inquiry on Electrolyte Solution and Nonelectrolite Solutions for Class X SMA/MA Students

Masni Rahmayanti Gaja, Mawardi Mawardi


The covid-19 pandemic led the Indonesian government to make the decision that learning be conducted online. Online learning requires learning that requires teachers and students to be creative and skilled in carrying out learning. While the 2013 curriculum requires learning to be carried out oriented towards students.  Therefore, research is needed that aims to develop an inquisition-based flipped classroom learning system guided by electrolyte solution materials and nonelectrolite solutions that can improve the quality of learning during pandemics and to face the 4.0 era. This research uses plomp research model, with R&D research type, through 3 stages, namely: (1) Preliminary research; (2) Prototyping stage; 3) Assessment phase.   This learning system is conducted validation test with Aiken's V formula with validity value which is categorized as very valid, and practicality test with percentage formula with practical category for students and very practical if used by teachers in learning. So the flipped classroom learning system becomes a way out of the problems faced during pandemic learning.


Flipped classroom; electrolyte solutions and nonelectrolyte solutions; Guided Inquiry

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v28.1.3367


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