Youtubers and New Strategy of Advertising (Discourse Analysis of YouTubers as Stealth Marketing)

Nurdini Tsabitul Chusna


Development of communication technology raised changes in the use of social media. It has been not only media to share information and to connect with friends, relatives or family but also a marketing medium for companies. YouTube is one of the effective social media for companies to introduce their products through video content. However, problem discussed in the paper was insertion of ads in videos. It changed content that was originally intended as entertainment into an advertising medium of companies. The changes of content substance will be discussed from the point of view of marketing ethics.


media marketing; stealth marketing; marketing ethics

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Web Sources

Pers release youtube. accessed at 23 April 2016

Top Youtube member. (accessed at 23 April 2016)

Miladine, Lubis. Konsumen Indonesia Mulai Menyukai Belanja Online. (accessed at 23 April 2016)



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