5Cs of Positive Youth Development as A Measuring Instrument for Adolescent Resiliency in Bogor
This study has attempted to analyze the Positive Youth Development (PYD) perspectives as a measuring instrument for adolescent. It is unusual to use PYD to measure resilience but due to it its similarity in ground theories and point of measurement. 324 adolescences from 12 Senior High School both General and Vocational from Bogor were analyzed using questionnaire of quantitative study. This study has shown that there is no difference between boys and girls, student from General High School and Vocational High School, and the breadth of school-based extracurricular activities. Closer examination of the results show reveals that there is a slight difference in sport, outdoor activities and respect to teacher between boys and girls, the connection to people in community for Vocational High School Student, and the outdoor activities score of student with different breadth. In general, PYD can be used for measurement of resilience.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v27.2.3340
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